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About the Authors


Arunachala Ramana

Arunachala Ramana– author of American Mystic: Memoirs of a Happy Man
Ramana was an American Sage, born in El Paso, Texas on November 1st, 1929.
After his awakening A. Ramana created AHAM, the Association of Happiness for All Mankind, which offers a powerful and focused curriculum for personal awakening and transformation.
Ramana spoke on “blank-Inquiry” as being the most direct method of awakening consciousness and on how to use blank-Inquiry as a way to bring awareness to day-to-day questions and life challenges.
He had a deep connection to both Jesus and Ramana Maharshi and his commentaries on them distill the essence of their wisdom and paths to enlightenment.
Arunachala Ramana died in Tiruvannamalai, South India on February 15th, 2010

Daniel Tigner

Daniel Tigner

Daniel has studied and taught meditation in many forms for over forty years, including designing Guided Meditations to bridge the mind and silent presence. He is co-founder of Canadian Forest Tree Essences (, a natural product company and has done extensive research into the healing and spiritual qualities attributed to trees and plants. Daniel is also both a portrait and nature photographer with a specialty in trees and flora. He has a photo collection of over 40,000 images of plants covering over 3,000 species. Some of these images are used in the Ontario Government's Tree Atlas Project, which encourages the planting of native species. Daniel grew up in Quebec, Canada and currently lives with his wife, Maryse Cohen, in the arctic territory of Nunavut. Daniel's latest book (March 2019) is The Little Book of Rattling. Other books my Daniel Tigner:

Canadian Forest Tree Essences: Vibrational Healing Through the Natural Resonance of Trees • The Tree Essences Guidebook The Art of Grant Tigner American Mystic: Memoirs Of A Happy Man

The Time Of Your Life-Everyone has a story
Trees, Healing and You – Guided Imagery, Poems, Stories, & Other Empowering Tools (2016)
The Little Book of Rattling (2018)

Gayle Leona Jabour

Gayle Leona Jabour is the co-author, along with Daniel Tigner, of The Time of Your Life - Everyone Has a Story. She studied communications at Ryerson University in Toronto and worked at CBC Toronto as script assistant and production coordinator in the Children's department, as well as News & Public Affairs. Her duties as production coordinator extended to a number of television and film documentaries including "The Nature of Things". She later joined the CRTC in Ottawa as researcher and Canadian content coordinator for the implementation of the first Canadian Content Regulations & Animation Guidelines.

Gayle also represented the CRTC on the Children's Broadcast Institute and The Canadian Advertising Standards Council. She has worked extensively with television producers, directors, entertainment lawyers, film distributors, industry associations, and broadcasting representatives across Canada and the United States. Her skills have also been used with volunteering projects.

Gayle Leona Jabour


Saroja G. Poilblan –  Biographer of American Mystic : Memoirs of A Happy Man – Meditation teacher and Practitioner in Emotional Healing  - Weight Loss and Natural Health Coach

Saroja met A.Ramana in 1998 and heard over the years fragments of his life story. Finding the stories captivating and instructive, one day in 2008 she began the series of more than twenty interviews with A.Ramana.
The conversations mostly took place via Skype (on line, digitally recorded) except for the last interviews that were done face to face during her stay at the Arunachala Ramana Ashram the winter of 2009-2010.
The first 5 chapters had been completed at that time so she was able to read them to A. Ramana and received his blessing to complete the work.

For the last 30 years, Saroja has learned and practiced meditation and blank-awareness processes that truly help to understand human conditioning, the workings of the mind.

She trained at AHAM, the Association of Happiness for all Mankind, in techniques to assist seekers in their inner development. She completed her certification as a counselor and facilitator in Conflict Resolution and Mediation Institute of Conflict Resolution Studies in Ottawa.
